Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Just a quick update to let you all know that I was able to get chemo this past Friday. My white blood cells were in splendid shape :)

Yesterday I got my Nulasta shot which will help my body make more white blood cells so that I can get my chemo on my bi-weekly schedule. Unfortunately, it also made me incredibly achy which meant little/no sleep last night. So I am working from home.

Becuase I am working, I don't have much time to write so I will make this fast...

Please pray that I get my financial stuff figured out. As it is, my insurance is covering virtually NONE of the costs for this and that means very soon I will have zero money left. I have a few avenues to explore, but so far this is looking pretty grim. Pray God has a big plan to help me on this.



  1. Hey Trina, It's Christian, a Teach For America friend of Alethea's. I met you once a long time ago when you came to NYC to visit your sisters. I'm sure you've been doing tons of research, but just in case this helps in any way: http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/all_page?item_id=4603 or call the LiveStrong Survivor Care at 866-673-7205. We could always organize a fundraiser. We'll keep praying but also know that there's a whole bunch of people ready to help (even us relative strangers). Stay strong.

  2. Hi Christian...I know who you are :)
    I will be doing more research as I have time and will :) I will definitely look at your link and see what options are available to me. Thanks for your help and advice and concern. It's very much appreciated.

  3. what is the deal with the insurance company??

  4. The insurance company is the insurance company...basically my plan don't cover squat. I will be fine, though. Going to make some calls, apply for assistance and help. There are resources I just have to make the time to find them. Usually chemo days (when I am home from work) are the days I get the most accomplished, though I am drugged out of my mind :)
