Saturday, February 13, 2010


GREAT NEWS! But first, let me build the I like to do :)

Yesterday morning was Chemo III. I got ready and my friends, Priscilla and Jennie, and my mom showed up to my house. While they waited downstairs I called my doctor's office. The Office Manager had tried to get a hold of me the day before at 3:30pm. I had gotten out of a client meeting at 4:30 and just missed them - their offices were closed.

So I called yesterday morning to see what the message was about. The financial assistance lady relayed a message from the Office Manager who had Friday off. The financial assitance lady gave me the message. I needed to pay them $5,000 to continue my treatment. I was stunned - my appointment was in 30 minutes! I knew there was a question about whether or not my insurance would or would not cover the $4,200 Neulasta shot I got on February 1st, but this was just 11 days after that shot was administered. Doesn't it usually take longer than 11 days for a claim to be reviewed, let alone denied?

So, I grabbed my checkbook, prepared to drain my savings to pay so I could get the treatment I was scheduled to recieve in half an hour. I went downstairs and explained, not so calmly, the situation to my mom and friends. I was livid. I wanted right then and there to buy that plane ticket to Brazil, spend my savings having fun and die on the beach. My mom didn't think that was the right decison.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I figured out how to put some pics on this thing. I have been undergoing a series of Phases for my hair in anticipation of losing it. It was once longish, which for me was a long-time feat - my hair takes FOREVER to grow - and it was blondish, a feat that took a lot shorter time to accomplish thanks to my friend (and hair guru) Priscilla and some chemicals :)

So, the pics show Phases I, II and III. There were only plans for three phases, but if it hangs on long enough, a fourth phase may be in the works.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Just a quick update to let you all know that I was able to get chemo this past Friday. My white blood cells were in splendid shape :)

Yesterday I got my Nulasta shot which will help my body make more white blood cells so that I can get my chemo on my bi-weekly schedule. Unfortunately, it also made me incredibly achy which meant little/no sleep last night. So I am working from home.

Becuase I am working, I don't have much time to write so I will make this fast...

Please pray that I get my financial stuff figured out. As it is, my insurance is covering virtually NONE of the costs for this and that means very soon I will have zero money left. I have a few avenues to explore, but so far this is looking pretty grim. Pray God has a big plan to help me on this.
